Phoenix, Arizona Bartending School

Why be a bartender?

Earn Extra Money!

Get a Nightlife

Work Anywhere

  • Thousands of bar licences in the sate of Arizona alone. If each bar employs, on average, 6 bartenders it translates into a huge source of employment opportunities.
  • There is a bar environment for everyone, regardless of their age or background. They range from  Night Clubs, Sports Bars, Upscale Hotels, Neighborhood Bars/Pubs, and Restaurants to Private Parties and Catered Events.
  • Great fun, meet people and network.
  • Flexible hours, you can work around school, family and other jobs.
  • Work anywhere in the world.
  • Great pay in a variety of venues.
  • Recession - proof. Adults may slash spending on big ticket items(like cars, boats) during tough times, but most bars and night clubs actually do better.
  • Excellent investment of your time and money. Where other trade schools can cost $10,000.00 to $50,000.00 and take months to finish, bartenders should see there entire financial investment returned in a week or less working as a bartender. And classes take only 2 short weeks to complete.
  • Work in an establishment where everyone knows your name. You're special! Remember "Cheers", Hey Norm!
  • Bartending is a career that can never be outsourced to another country.
  • Bartending has reached a record level of popularity, some in part to movies like "Cocktail" with Tom Cruise, "Coyote Ugly" and the television series "Cheers".
  • The Department of Labor rates bartending jobs to increase 13% thru 2018.
  • A bartender that presents well and has good people skills can often earn more money than many entry level college grads. The sky is the limit!
  • Bartending is a profession for people of all ages and backgrounds. We are proud of our student population that ranges from 18 to 70 years of age.
  • Our students can earn their bartending certificate and State Certification within two weeks. However, since every student has different needs , some may choose to take the accelerated of one week, while others may prefer to take their time and retake lessons to increase their confidence.
  • Receive individualized attention in classes that typically range from six to twelve students in size.

Request Information

The Bartending Academy of Tempe, Arizona
1250 E. Apache Blvd. Suite 108
Phone: 480-921-9925